Terms of Use

The South Bend Clin­ic SMS Terms and Conditions

When you sign up for text mes­sages from The South Bend Clin­ic, you are sign­ing up to receive text mes­sages relat­ed to your rela­tion­ship with The South Bend Clin­ic, includ­ing updates relat­ed to your vis­its, MyChart account, one-time pass­code, billing noti­fi­ca­tions, pre­scrip­tion reminders, and care management.

You can opt-out of SMS mes­sages by tex­ting STOP to respec­tive short code. Your opt-out request will gen­er­ate one final mes­sage con­firm­ing that you have been unsub­scribed. You will no longer receive SMS mes­sages from the short code you opt­ed out from. If you want to join again, sign up using MyChart or text HELP to the short code for instruc­tions. If you are expe­ri­enc­ing issues with the mes­sag­ing pro­gram you can reply with the key­word HELP for more assis­tance, or you can get help direct­ly at 1−855−269−2427 or http://​www​.south​bend​clin​ic​.com/​c​o​n​t​a​ct-us

Car­ri­ers are not liable for delayed or unde­liv­ered mes­sages. Mes­sage and data rates may apply for any mes­sages sent to you from us and to us from you. Mes­sage fre­quen­cy may vary. Our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy is http://​www​.south​bend​clin​ic​.com/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​-​p​olicy. Con­tact us at 1−855−269−2427 or http://​www​.south​bend​clin​ic​.com/​c​o​n​t​a​ct-us.